Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 59 Match Day 6
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2024-09-15 21:03:38 UTC
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6

What to do

Look at the fixtures below: do you play home or away?

- Before the end of Wednesday (= before 2024/9/18, 23:59 GMT)
=- Pick one team from each of the two matches

=- After Thursday (or even sooner, if the home player has picked their
teams) and before kickoff of the first match on Saturday 2024/9/21
- Pick one of the teams not picked by your opponent (if they haven't
picked any team, you have free choice)
=- their opponents will represent your opponent

(If the away player doesn't pick any team before his deadline, the home
player will be represented by his preferred team. If nobody picks a
team, teams are assigned randomly.)


Tier 1

The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio

Tier 2

Werner Pichler-MH
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna

Inter-tier match

Jesper Lauridsen-milivella
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina- Lazio

Tier 3

Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna

Jesus Petry - Lléo
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio
The Doctor
2024-09-15 23:56:15 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
What to do
Look at the fixtures below: do you play home or away?
- Before the end of Wednesday (= before 2024/9/18, 23:59 GMT)
=- Pick one team from each of the two matches
=- After Thursday (or even sooner, if the home player has picked their
teams) and before kickoff of the first match on Saturday 2024/9/21
- Pick one of the teams not picked by your opponent (if they haven't
picked any team, you have free choice)
=- their opponents will represent your opponent
(If the away player doesn't pick any team before his deadline, the home
player will be represented by his preferred team. If nobody picks a
team, teams are assigned randomly.)
Tier 1
The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio


Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 2
Werner Pichler-MH
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
Inter-tier match
Jesper Lauridsen-milivella
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina- Lazio
Tier 3
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
Jesus Petry - Lléo
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
2024-09-19 16:28:26 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 1
The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio
milivella has picked Fulham, and while it would be satisfying to
celebrate his relegation in style, I might just prefer to avoid the
risk of him jumping ahead of me in the standings with a 3-0 Fulham

Lazio it is.

[*] Yes, this is one of the downsides of having inter-tier matches....
2024-09-20 01:58:22 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 1
The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
    Fulham - Newcastle
    Fiorentina - Lazio
milivella has picked Fulham, and while it would be satisfying to
celebrate  his relegation in style, I might just prefer to avoid the
risk of him jumping ahead of me in the standings with a 3-0 Fulham
Lazio it is.
[*] Yes, this is one of the downsides of having inter-tier matches....
Not necessarily. E.g., if you select different real matches for every
UPT match, there is no problem. (not suggesting you should do i
Werner Pichler
2024-09-16 13:49:45 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
What to do
Look at the fixtures below: do you play home or away?
- Before the end of Wednesday (= before 2024/9/18, 23:59 GMT)
=- Pick one team from each of the two matches
=- After Thursday (or even sooner, if the home player has picked their
teams) and before kickoff of the first match on Saturday 2024/9/21
- Pick one of the teams not picked by your opponent (if they haven't
picked any team, you have free choice)
=- their opponents will represent your opponent
(If the away player doesn't pick any team before his deadline, the home
player will be represented by his preferred team. If nobody picks a
team, teams are assigned randomly.)
Tier 1
The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio
Tier 2
Werner Pichler-MH
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
1. Posch
2. Glasner

2024-09-16 18:46:28 UTC
Post by Werner Pichler
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
What to do
Look at the fixtures below: do you play home or away?
- Before the end of Wednesday (= before 2024/9/18, 23:59 GMT)
=- Pick one team from each of the two matches
=- After Thursday (or even sooner, if the home player has picked their
teams) and before kickoff of the first match on Saturday 2024/9/21
- Pick one of the teams not picked by your opponent (if they haven't
picked any team, you have free choice)
=- their opponents will represent your opponent
(If the away player doesn't pick any team before his deadline, the home
player will be represented by his preferred team. If nobody picks a
team, teams are assigned randomly.)
Tier 1
The Doctor-Futbolmetrix
Fulham - Newcastle
Fiorentina - Lazio
Tier 2
Werner Pichler-MH
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
1. Posch
2. Glasner
Really goes against the grain, but Man United, I guess.
Post by Werner Pichler
Jesper Lauridsen
2024-09-18 19:37:53 UTC
Post by MH
Post by Werner Pichler
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 2
Werner Pichler-MH
    Crystal Palace - Manchester United
    Monza - Bologna
1. Posch
2. Glasner
Really goes against the grain, but Man United, I guess.
If Werner wins, relegation is impossible. If MH wins, promotion is possible.

If Werner wins, promotion is impossible. If MH wins, relegation is possible.
Jesus Petry
2024-09-16 16:35:59 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Jesus Petry - Lléo
    Fulham    - Newcastle
    Fiorentina - Lazio
Viola and Magpies.

Jesus Petry
2024-09-17 04:09:38 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Jesus Petry - Lléo
     Fulham    - Newcastle
     Fiorentina - Lazio
 Viola and Magpies.
I pick Fulham.

Best regards,

2024-09-18 15:37:09 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
Bologna and Man Utd
2024-09-18 16:37:02 UTC
Post by Mark
Post by Futbolmetrix
Crystal Palace - Manchester United
Monza - Bologna
Bologna and Man Utd
Jesper Lauridsen
2024-09-18 19:34:01 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Inter-tier match
Jesper Lauridsen-milivella
    Fulham - Newcastle
    Fiorentina- Lazio
Not much hope when facing Tier I, but I'll pick anyway,

I Bianconeri & The Lillies

(when in doubt, go with the old and proven picks)
2024-09-19 02:14:00 UTC
Post by Jesper Lauridsen
Post by Futbolmetrix
Inter-tier match
Jesper Lauridsen-milivella
     Fulham - Newcastle
     Fiorentina- Lazio
Not much hope when facing Tier I, but I'll pick anyway,
I Bianconeri & The Lillies
So Fulham (white shirt, black shorts) and Lazio (lily -> Virgin Mary ->
Catholicism -> Rome; also Lazio have white in their kits, unlike
Fiorentina), right?

Well, I don't accept rules, so I'll pick one of your teams. Sue me!

I pick Fulham.
Jesper Lauridsen
2024-09-19 21:48:34 UTC
Post by milivella
Post by Jesper Lauridsen
Post by Futbolmetrix
Inter-tier match
Jesper Lauridsen-milivella
     Fulham - Newcastle
     Fiorentina- Lazio
Not much hope when facing Tier I, but I'll pick anyway,
I Bianconeri & The Lillies
So Fulham (white shirt, black shorts) and Lazio (lily -> Virgin Mary ->
Catholicism -> Rome; also Lazio have white in their kits, unlike
Fiorentina), right?
Well, I don't accept rules, so I'll pick one of your teams. Sue me!
I'll be consulting my lawyers about possibly appealing to the fair
gamemaster to have this pick invalidated. They expect to have a
conclusion for me some time Sunday.
Post by milivella
I pick Fulham.
2024-09-22 23:36:58 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
Results and standings:

Tier 1
The Doctor 2-1 Futbolmetrix (Fiorentina - Lazio)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)

Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
13 6 10 5 5 5 The Doctor
8 6 10 8 2 6 Futbolmetrix
8 6 7 8 -1 6 milivella

Congrats Doc for his second consecutive title. One really has to feel
for milivella, relegated on goal difference despite finishing on an
impressive 8 points. If only we could tweak things to make him stay in
Tier 1...but alas, rules are rules!

Tier 2
Werner Pichler 0-0 MH (Crystal Palace - Manchester United)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)

Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
8 6 9 9 0 6 Werner Pichler
7 6 6 10 -4 6 Jesper Lauridsen
5 6 4 6 -2 4 MH

Werner and MH left the door open for Jesper, but he couldn't take
advantage. Werner to Tier 1, MH to Tier 3

Tier 3
Mark 2-1 Blueshirt (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1 Lléo (Fulham - Newcastle)

Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
12 6 10 7 3 6 Mark
7 6 5 6 -1 6 Lléo
6 6 7 6 1 6 Blueshirt
5 6 7 10 -3 6 Jesus Petry

Pain for Blueshirt, who was in a promotion position until late in the
Bologna-Monza game, but a late Bologna winner condemns him to another
season in Tier 3. Mark and Lleo promoted to Tier 2.

Cup schedule to be posted shortly
2024-09-23 01:32:38 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
Tier 1
The Doctor 2-1    Futbolmetrix        (Fiorentina - Lazio)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella        (Newcastle - Fulham)
    Pts    M    GF    GA    GD    Picks    Team
    13    6    10    5    5    5    The Doctor
    8    6    10    8    2    6    Futbolmetrix
    8    6    7    8    -1    6    milivella
Congrats Doc for his second consecutive title.
Congratulations, Doc!

(You know I'm sincere, because if you hadn't won, the winner would have
been Futbolmetrix...)
Post by Futbolmetrix
One really has to feel
for milivella, relegated on goal difference despite finishing on an
impressive 8 points.
No comment.
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 2
Werner Pichler    0-0 MH     (Crystal Palace - Manchester United)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella  (Newcastle - Fulham)
    Pts    M    GF    GA    GD    Picks    Team
    8    6    9    9    0    6    Werner Pichler
    7    6    6    10    -4    6    Jesper Lauridsen
    5    6    4    6    -2    4    MH
Werner and MH left the door open for Jesper, but he couldn't take
So a season of inscrutable picks awaits me. Great!
Post by Futbolmetrix
Werner to Tier 1
Couldn't find a better player to take my place.

(Even though not being relegated would have been even better...)
Post by Futbolmetrix
Mark and Lleo promoted to Tier 2.
Two promotions to Tier 1 n
The Doctor
2024-09-23 01:41:03 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match Day 6
Tier 1
The Doctor 2-1 Futbolmetrix (Fiorentina - Lazio)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
13 6 10 5 5 5 The Doctor
8 6 10 8 2 6 Futbolmetrix
8 6 7 8 -1 6 milivella
Congrats Doc for his second consecutive title. One really has to feel
for milivella, relegated on goal difference despite finishing on an
impressive 8 points. If only we could tweak things to make him stay in
Tier 1...but alas, rules are rules!
Tier 2
Werner Pichler 0-0 MH (Crystal Palace - Manchester United)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
8 6 9 9 0 6 Werner Pichler
7 6 6 10 -4 6 Jesper Lauridsen
5 6 4 6 -2 4 MH
Werner and MH left the door open for Jesper, but he couldn't take
advantage. Werner to Tier 1, MH to Tier 3
Tier 3
Mark 2-1 Blueshirt (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1 Lléo (Fulham - Newcastle)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
12 6 10 7 3 6 Mark
7 6 5 6 -1 6 Lléo
6 6 7 6 1 6 Blueshirt
5 6 7 10 -3 6 Jesus Petry
Pain for Blueshirt, who was in a promotion position until late in the
Bologna-Monza game, but a late Bologna winner condemns him to another
season in Tier 3. Mark and Lleo promoted to Tier 2.
Cup schedule to be posted shortly
Looking forward to it.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
2024-09-23 13:11:55 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 3
Mark 2-1 Blueshirt (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1 Lléo (Fulham - Newcastle)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
12 6 10 7 3 6 Mark
7 6 5 6 -1 6 Lléo
6 6 7 6 1 6 Blueshirt
5 6 7 10 -3 6 Jesus Petry
Pain for Blueshirt, who was in a promotion position until late
in the Bologna-Monza game, but a late Bologna winner condemns
him to another season in Tier 3. Mark and Lleo promoted to
Tier 2.
No pain, no gain!
Jesus Petry
2024-09-23 17:42:50 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 3
Mark    2-1    Blueshirt    (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1    Lléo        (Fulham - Newcastle)
    Pts    M    GF    GA    GD    Picks    Team
    12    6    10    7    3    6    Mark
    7    6    5    6    -1    6    Lléo
    6    6    7    6    1    6    Blueshirt
    5    6    7    10    -3    6    Jesus Petry
This is wrong: I've picked Newcastle.

Jesus "not that it matters much" Petry
2024-09-24 14:21:19 UTC
Post by Jesus Petry
Post by Futbolmetrix
Tier 3
Mark    2-1    Blueshirt    (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1    Lléo        (Fulham - Newcastle)
    Pts    M    GF    GA    GD    Picks    Team
    12    6    10    7    3    6    Mark
    7    6    5    6    -1    6    Lléo
    6    6    7    6    1    6    Blueshirt
    5    6    7    10    -3    6    Jesus Petry
This is wrong: I've picked Newcastle.
Indeed you did. Here is the corrected version of the Tier 3 results and

Tier 3
Mark 2-1 Blueshirt (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 1-3 Lléo (Newcastle - Fulham)

Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
12 6 10 7 3 6 Mark
10 6 7 4 3 6 Lléo
6 6 7 6 1 6 Blueshirt
2 6 5 12 -7 6 Jesus Petry
Post by Jesus Petry
Jesus "not that it matters much" Petry
It doesn't :-/

2024-09-24 14:14:33 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by Futbolmetrix
Unsophisticated Prediction Tiers Season 58 - League ENG/ITA Match
Day 6 (2024/9/21-22)
Tier 1
The Doctor 2-1 Futbolmetrix (Fiorentina - Lazio)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
13 6 10 5 5 5 The Doctor
8 6 10 8 2 6 Futbolmetrix
8 6 7 8 -1 6 milivella
Congrats Doc for his second consecutive title. One really has to feel
for milivella, relegated on goal difference despite finishing on an
impressive 8 points. If only we could tweak things to make him stay in
Tier 1...but alas, rules are rules!
Tier 2
Werner Pichler 0-0 MH (Crystal Palace - Manchester United)
Jesper Lauridsen 1-3 milivella (Newcastle - Fulham)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
8 6 9 9 0 6 Werner Pichler
7 6 6 10 -4 6 Jesper Lauridsen
5 6 4 6 -2 4 MH
Werner and MH left the door open for Jesper, but he couldn't take
advantage. Werner to Tier 1, MH to Tier 3
Tier 3
Mark 2-1 Blueshirt (Bologna - Monza)
Jesus Petry 3-1 Lléo (Fulham - Newcastle)
Pts M GF GA GD Picks Team
12 6 10 7 3 6 Mark
7 6 5 6 -1 6 Lléo
6 6 7 6 1 6 Blueshirt
5 6 7 10 -3 6 Jesus Petry
Pain for Blueshirt, who was in a promotion position until late in the
Bologna-Monza game, but a late Bologna winner condemns him to another
season in Tier 3. Mark and Lleo promoted to Tier 2.
Cup schedule to be posted shortly
I think FC Mark went the whole tournament unbeaten.

Actually can we have the won drawn lost statistics in the League tables
please? Separate home and away records would be nice too if it's not
too much trouble.