Post by milivellaThe nice (?) thing is that the game is explained at the end of each
- The newgroup as a unit is managing a club (currently Jaro) in an
ancient football managing videogame (Sensible World of Soccer). Think
Football Manager, but order of magnitudes simpler.
- How can different users play as a unit? Here is how: at each round, I
post a list of seven or so options (different XIs, or different actions
on the transfer market). Everyone votes for one of these options. After
23 or more hours, I randomly pick one of these votes, and that is the
newsgroup's choice.
Some additional useful info on strategy:
- Most of the Jaro players are completely useless, with the exception of
Vesa Tauriainen, aka "Da Bull", who, in the context of the 1990s Finnish
league, is a combination of Ronaldo (both of them), Messi and Maradona.
Whatever you do, you should always try to have Da Bull in the lineup.
- After experimenting with various formations, we have come to the
conclusion that 3-4-3 is a lot better than all the others, regardless of
the opponent.
Post by milivella- Summing up: it's the newsgroup vs. the world. And all you do is
picking one of the options at each round.
- To be precise: it's the newsgroup versus the Evil Gamemaster and the
world. Even if sometimes it may seem that the EGM is helping you, just
the design of this evil game (Ben the Basic? seriously?) reveals the
true evilness of his intentions.