The Staff game (AKA Crazy Tiny Players) - Choice #0338
(too old to reply)
2024-11-09 03:04:00 UTC

There have been some changes to the game:

1. John's choice is now one of your votes, randomly picked (i.e., it is
no more the option that receives more vote). Why: to incentivate people
to vote even if a consensus has formed.

2. In market rounds, you will now be given the chance to make an offer
for any player on the market (i.e., players on the market will not be
selected by the staff anymore). Why: to make gamemastering quicker,
without changing anything substantially.

3. Most of the data will now be presented to you through screenshots of
the game on a webpage (i.e., it will be no more true that all data are
presented in the posts). Why: to make gamemastering quicker.

4. You will find the Staff members' algorithms for picking the starting
XI at the end of each post (i.e., you will not have to look for them in
previous posts or notes anymore). Why: because I am the most benevolent
gamemaster ever.

What happened

You chose to do nothing.

What happened (seasonal schedule, squad, bank, table, results of matched
before yours if any, opponents' line-up):

New choice

[Sorry, I didn't manage to run the algorithms. You'll have to wait a bit
more for this...]




Useful info


Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
Snellman CD 100K 8 TFH FIN 10 0 +09 +0.90
P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
Sorvisto CM 180K 13 TPV FIN 44 7 +15 +0.34
Wiss CM DM 150K 11 PTC FIN 21 1 -04 -0.19
Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
J.Viljanen LW A 180K 13 CSF FIN 0 0 00 0.00
Yeremenko LW 200K 14 SCH RUS 37 2 +22 +0.59 160K
Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
Vanhala A 250K 15 PTV FIN 48 12 +22 +0.46

Players on trial = without contract (so their price is unknown [it's low
in most but not all cases] and they could leave the team anytime; if you
play them enough, they'll get a contract)

I = Injured: number of weeks he'll be out
- ? = out for an unknown number of weeks
- K = Knock = his form is supposedly OK, but he's more likely to pick up
a serious injury. The knock will heal if he'll get rest.
- S = out for the rest of the season
S = Suspended
Ps = Position
B = positon according to Ben
OPr = Original Price when joined the club
Sm = Sum of skill points
PVHTCSF: skill points in
- P = Passing
- V = shot Velocity from outside the penalty box
- H = Heading
- T = Tackling
- C = ball Control
- S = Speed
- F = Finishing inside the penalty box
Skl = 1st 2nd and 3rd best skill
Nat = Nation
M = Matches played
G = Goals scored
+- = goal difference when the player was on the field
A+- = goal difference per matches played
T = on Transfer market, at you'll accept this minimum Price



Prem Div = Finnish Premier Division: Apr-Oct, 12 teams, play each team
x2, 3 points for a win, 3 substitutes from a bench of 5
Cup = Finnish Cup: May-Jun, 3 rounds, 3 substitutes from a bench of 5, 8
teams; each round being 1 leg, extra time, penalties


Management record

First stint

Ssn Club Nat Lvl Pos Cup Int Pl W D L F A Top scorer
96/97 Once Lobos SAL 4 11 - - 22 5 8 9 9 17 Welter 5
97/98 Once Lobos SAL 4 2 - - 22 11 4 7 13 9 Welter 9
98/99 Once Lobos SAL 4 4 - - 22 10 3 9 15 14 Ruano,Welter 6
99/00 Once Lobos SAL 4 12 - - 17 3 4 10 10 18 Ruano 4
Total 83 29 19 35 47 58

Second stint

Ssn Club Nat Lvl Pos Cup Int Pl W D L F A Top scorer
96/97 Haka FIN 1 11 QF - 17 4 6 7 12 14 Vaisanen 4
97/98 Jaro FIN 1 5 QF R2 27 11 4 12 47 45 Tauriainen 29
98/99 Jaro FIN 1 3 SF - 24 13 3 8 48 37 Tauriainen 30
Total 68 28 13 27 107 96

2011/12 will be the last season.

Full history of choices

Courtesy of Futbolmetrix:

About the game

You can join the game at any time. Randomly picked vote chooses (picked
when the next choice is set up, something that happens at least 23 hours
after the choice is posted).

This is a career in Sensible World of Soccer 96/97, a videogame. Prices
are in pound sterlings.

Here are the only (as far as I know) variables in SWOS that matter to you:
- Match: each player acts according to the team's formation [1], to his
value in each skill [2], and to his natural position [3] (and to home
advantage?). By default you know each player's 1st 2nd and 3rd best
skills, and his price, that is correlated to the sum of the value of all
his skills [4] (also, if you play a player in position his price could
go up; if you don't play him, or play him off position, his price could
go down; his skill values don't change, though).
- Suspensions and injuries
- Bank:
When Money in Money out
Season begins Competition bonuses
Each week Gate receipts* General running costs**
Player sales Player purchases
* Proportional to results
** Proportional to players' prices
You can buy and sell players all season long. Other teams always play
with the same XI and don't exchange players with each other.
[1] List of default formations:
4-4-2 = 4-1-3-2
5-4-1 = 5-1-3-1
4-5-1 = 4-1-4-1
5-3-2 = 3-2-3-2
3-5-2 = 3-2-3-2
4-2-4 = 4-2-3-1
3-4-3 = 3-1-3-3
4-4-2s = S-3-1-3-1 (AKA sweep)
3-2-5 = 3-2-3-2 (AKA attack)
6-3-1 = 6-2-1-1 (AKA defend)
All with RB and LB, and (the only exception being "defend") RW and LW
(as forwards if there are just 2 midfielders, otherwise as midfielders).
[2] List of skills: ball control, finishing inside the penalty box,
heading, passing, speed, tackling, shot velocity from outside the
penalty box. A player's value in each of these skills can be 0 to 7.
Goalkeepers only have a goalkeeping skill that can be 0 to 48; only
goalkeepers have this skill.
[3] List of positions: G, RB, D, LB, RW, M, LW, A.
[4] Price = Sum of skill points:
25K 1 (or 0) | 350K 17 | 1.80M 33
30K 2 | 450K 18 | 1.90M 34
40K 3 | 500K 19 | 2.00M 35
50K 4 | 550K 20 | 2.25M 36
65K 5 | 600K 21 | 2.75M 37
75K 6 | 650K 22 | 3.00M 38
85K 7 | 700K 23 | 3.50M 39
100K 8 | 750K 24 | 4.50M 40
110K 9 | 800K 25 | 5.00M 41
130K 10 | 850K 26 | 6.00M 42
150K 11 | 950K 27 | 7.00M 43
160K 12 | 1.00M 28 | 8.00M 44
180K 13 | 1.10M 29 | 9.00M 45
200K 14 | 1.30M 30 | 10M 46
250K 15 | 1.50M 31 | 12M 47
300K 16 | 1.60M 32 | 15M 48 (or 49)

Staff personalities

A. Aggie the Agnostic: doesn't want to change anything
[last match's XI]

B. Ben the Basic: only looks at skills
[XI based on: only players priced 30K or more,
- S + T + (C or H or P) = defender
- P + T + (C or S) = defensive midfielder
- P + (any combination of C, S, V) = attacking midfielder
- S + (F or V) + (C or H) = attacker
- S + F + V = attacker

D. Dan the Dazzled: only looks at prices
[XI based on price = playing a player priced 30K or more off position is
better than playing a player priced less than 30K on position; <30K
players are ranked in the following way 1) on trial > 2) formerly on
trial but now 5-25K > 3) 25K.]

F. Fred the Frugal: wants to save money
[XI based on price, but no player on trial]

N. Noah the Netter: thinks that it's all a matter of scoring and not
being scored against
[two attackers, then XI based on price]

O. Ollie the Opponent: only looks at opponents
[Stop as soon as the criterium is matched:
1. Playing home against a lower-placed team? XI based on price, but more
than 2 attackers.
Playing away against a higher-placed team? XI based on price, but 5
2. Playing against 3 midfielders? XI based on price, but 3-5-2.
Playing against 3 defenders? XI based on price, but 4-3-3.
3. Playing against more than one speedy attacker? XI based on price, but
4. XI based on price, but 4-4-2.]

P. Pat the Paranoid: is scared of injuries and suspensions
[Stop as soon as the criterium is matched:
1. Playing home against a lower-placed team? 3-4-3, then XI based on
price, but rest any knocked or booked player, and the three best players.
2. 3-4-3, then XI based on price, but no knocked or booked players.]

S. Scott the Scout: tries to find new talents
[XI based on price, but one more unknown-value player]

W. Will the Watcher: only looks at stats
[3-4-3, then XI based on Will score (players priced less than 30K only
if positive score)]

2024-11-10 02:27:30 UTC
Post by milivella
1. John's choice is now one of your votes, randomly picked (i.e., it is
no more the option that receives more vote). Why: to incentivate people
to vote even if a consensus has formed.
2. In market rounds, you will now be given the chance to make an offer
for any player on the market (i.e., players on the market will not be
selected by the staff anymore). Why: to make gamemastering quicker,
without changing anything substantially.
3. Most of the data will now be presented to you through screenshots of
the game on a webpage (i.e., it will be no more true that all data are
presented in the posts). Why: to make gamemastering quicker.
4. You will find the Staff members' algorithms for picking the starting
XI at the end of each post (i.e., you will not have to look for them in
previous posts or notes anymore). Why: because I am the most benevolent
gamemaster ever.
What happened
You chose to do nothing.
What happened (seasonal schedule, squad, bank, table, results of matched
New choice
Who do you agree with?

B. Ben the Basic:
02 05 03
04 06
07 08 11
10 09
No Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
01 Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
02 Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
05 Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
03 Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
04 McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
06 Wiss CM DM 150K 11 PTC FIN 21 1 -04 -0.19
07 Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
08 Sorvisto CM 180K 13 TPV FIN 44 7 +15 +0.34
11 Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
10 J.Viljanen LW A 180K 13 CSF FIN 0 0 00 0.00
09 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39

D. Dan the Dazzled (and Fred the Frugal, and Noah the Netter):
02 05 03
04 06
07 08 11
10 09
No Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
01 Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
02 Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
05 P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
03 Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
04 McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
06 Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
07 Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
08 Sorvisto CM 180K 13 TPV FIN 44 7 +15 +0.34
11 Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
10 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
09 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72

O. Ollie the Opponent:
02 05 06 03
07 08 11
10 09
No Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
01 Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
02 Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
05 Snellman CD 100K 8 TFH FIN 10 0 +09 +0.90
06 P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
03 Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
04 Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
07 Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
08 McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
11 Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
10 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
09 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72

P. Pat the Paranoid:
02 05 03
07 04 11
10 09 08
No Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
01 Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
02 Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
05 P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
03 Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
06 Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
07 Yeremenko LW 200K 14 SCH RUS 37 2 +22 +0.59 160K
04 McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
11 Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
10 Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
09 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
08 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72

W. Will the Watcher (and Aggie the Agnostic):
02 05 03
07 04 11
10 09 08
No Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
01 Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
02 Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
05 P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
03 Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
06 Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
07 Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
04 McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
11 Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
10 Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
09 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
08 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39




Useful info

How to read the screenshots

Squad screen:
- Red card = suspension; number on the card = number of matches the
player is suspended for.
- Bandaged head = the player has taken a knock.
- Red cross = injury; number on the cross = number of matches the player
will be out for.
- Black cross = the player is out for the season


Player Ps B OPr Sm PVHTCSF Skl Nat M G +- Avg+- TPr
Mazzantini G 450K 18 0000000 - ITA 17 0 +30 +1.76
Suominen RB D,DM 160K 12 TSP FIN 55 0 +28 +0.51
Snellman CD 100K 8 TFH FIN 10 0 +09 +0.90
P.Viljanen CD 160K 12 HTP FIN 11 0 +12 +1.09
Nygard LB D,DM 150K 11 TSP FIN 54 0 +26 +0.48
Halonen RW AM 160K 12 SCP FIN 47 1 +39 +0.83
McGinlay CM DM,D 450K 18 PTS SCO 19 0 +19 +1.00
Puputti CM DM,D 250K 15 PTS FIN 32 0 +19 +0.59
Sorvisto CM 180K 13 TPV FIN 44 7 +15 +0.34
Wiss CM DM 150K 11 PTC FIN 21 1 -04 -0.19
Tsymbalar LW AM 600K 21 CSP RUS 3 0 +11 +3.67
J.Viljanen LW A 180K 13 CSF FIN 0 0 00 0.00
Yeremenko LW 200K 14 SCH RUS 37 2 +22 +0.59 160K
Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
Vanhala A 250K 15 PTV FIN 48 12 +22 +0.46

Players on trial = without contract (so their price is unknown [it's low
in most but not all cases] and they could leave the team anytime; if you
play them enough, they'll get a contract)

Ps = Position
B = positon according to Ben
OPr = Original Price when joined the club
Sm = Sum of skill points
PVHTCSF: skill points in
- P = Passing
- V = shot Velocity from outside the penalty box
- H = Heading
- T = Tackling
- C = ball Control
- S = Speed
- F = Finishing inside the penalty box
Skl = 1st 2nd and 3rd best skill
Nat = Nation
M = Matches played
G = Goals scored
+- = goal difference when the player was on the field
A+- = goal difference per matches played
TPr = on Transfer market, at you'll accept this minimum Price



Prem Div = Finnish Premier Division: Apr-Oct, 12 teams, play each team
x2, 3 points for a win, 3 substitutes from a bench of 5
Cup = Finnish Cup: May-Jun, 3 rounds, 3 substitutes from a bench of 5, 8
teams; each round being 1 leg, extra time, penalties


Management record

First stint

Ssn Club Nat Lvl Pos Cup Int Pl W D L F A Top scorer
96/97 Once Lobos SAL 4 11 - - 22 5 8 9 9 17 Welter 5
97/98 Once Lobos SAL 4 2 - - 22 11 4 7 13 9 Welter 9
98/99 Once Lobos SAL 4 4 - - 22 10 3 9 15 14 Ruano,Welter 6
99/00 Once Lobos SAL 4 12 - - 17 3 4 10 10 18 Ruano 4
Total 83 29 19 35 47 58

Second stint

Ssn Club Nat Lvl Pos Cup Int Pl W D L F A Top scorer
96/97 Haka FIN 1 11 QF - 17 4 6 7 12 14 Vaisanen 4
97/98 Jaro FIN 1 5 QF R2 27 11 4 12 47 45 Tauriainen 29
98/99 Jaro FIN 1 3 SF - 24 13 3 8 48 37 Tauriainen 30
Total 68 28 13 27 107 96

2011/12 will be the last season.

Full history of choices

Courtesy of Futbolmetrix:

About the game

You can join the game at any time. Randomly picked vote chooses (picked
when the next choice is set up, something that happens at least 23 hours
after the choice is posted).

This is a career in Sensible World of Soccer 96/97, a videogame. Prices
are in pound sterlings.

Here are the only (as far as I know) variables in SWOS that matter to you:
- Match: each player acts according to the team's formation [1], to his
value in each skill [2], and to his natural position [3] (and to home
advantage?). By default you know each player's 1st 2nd and 3rd best
skills, and his price, that is correlated to the sum of the value of all
his skills [4] (also, if you play a player in position his price could
go up; if you don't play him, or play him off position, his price could
go down; his skill values don't change, though).
- Suspensions and injuries (if a player has taken a knock, his form is
supposedly OK, but he's more likely to pick up a serious injury; the
knock will heal if he'll get rest)
- Bank:
When Money in Money out
Season begins Competition bonuses
Each week Gate receipts* General running costs**
Player sales Player purchases
* Proportional to results
** Proportional to players' prices
You can buy and sell players all season long. Other teams always play
with the same XI and don't exchange players with each other.
[1] List of default formations:
4-4-2 = 4-1-3-2
5-4-1 = 5-1-3-1
4-5-1 = 4-1-4-1
5-3-2 = 3-2-3-2
3-5-2 = 3-2-3-2
4-2-4 = 4-2-3-1
3-4-3 = 3-1-3-3
4-4-2s = S-3-1-3-1 (AKA sweep)
3-2-5 = 3-2-3-2 (AKA attack)
6-3-1 = 6-2-1-1 (AKA defend)
All with RB and LB, and (the only exception being "defend") RW and LW
(as forwards if there are just 2 midfielders, otherwise as midfielders).
[2] List of skills: ball control, finishing inside the penalty box,
heading, passing, speed, tackling, shot velocity from outside the
penalty box. A player's value in each of these skills can be 0 to 7.
Goalkeepers only have a goalkeeping skill that can be 0 to 48; only
goalkeepers have this skill.
[3] List of positions: G, RB, D, LB, RW, M, LW, A.
[4] Price = Sum of skill points:
25K 1 (or 0) | 350K 17 | 1.80M 33
30K 2 | 450K 18 | 1.90M 34
40K 3 | 500K 19 | 2.00M 35
50K 4 | 550K 20 | 2.25M 36
65K 5 | 600K 21 | 2.75M 37
75K 6 | 650K 22 | 3.00M 38
85K 7 | 700K 23 | 3.50M 39
100K 8 | 750K 24 | 4.50M 40
110K 9 | 800K 25 | 5.00M 41
130K 10 | 850K 26 | 6.00M 42
150K 11 | 950K 27 | 7.00M 43
160K 12 | 1.00M 28 | 8.00M 44
180K 13 | 1.10M 29 | 9.00M 45
200K 14 | 1.30M 30 | 10M 46
250K 15 | 1.50M 31 | 12M 47
300K 16 | 1.60M 32 | 15M 48 (or 49)

Staff personalities

A. Aggie the Agnostic: doesn't want to change anything
[last match's XI]

B. Ben the Basic: only looks at skills
[XI based on: only players priced 30K or more,
- S + T + (C or H or P) = defender
- P + T + (C or S) = defensive midfielder
- P + (any combination of C, S, V) = attacking midfielder
- S + (F or V) + (C or H) = attacker
- S + F + V = attacker

D. Dan the Dazzled: only looks at prices
[XI based on price = playing a player priced 30K or more off position is
better than playing a player priced less than 30K on position; <30K
players are ranked in the following way 1) on trial > 2) formerly on
trial but now 5-25K > 3) 25K.]

F. Fred the Frugal: wants to save money
[XI based on price, but no player on trial]

N. Noah the Netter: thinks that it's all a matter of scoring and not
being scored against
[two attackers, then XI based on price]

O. Ollie the Opponent: only looks at opponents
[Stop as soon as the criterium is matched:
1. Playing home against a lower-placed team? XI based on price, but more
than 2 attackers.
Playing away against a higher-placed team? XI based on price, but 5
2. Playing against 3 midfielders? XI based on price, but 3-5-2.
Playing against 3 defenders? XI based on price, but 4-3-3.
3. Playing against more than one speedy attacker? XI based on price, but
4. XI based on price, but 4-4-2.]

P. Pat the Paranoid: is scared of injuries and suspensions
[Stop as soon as the criterium is matched:
1. Playing home against a lower-placed team? 3-4-3, then XI based on
price, but rest any knocked or booked player, and the three best players.
2. 3-4-3, then XI based on price, but no knocked or booked players.]

S. Scott the Scout: tries to find new talents
[XI based on price, but one more unknown-value player]

W. Will the Watcher: only looks at stats
[3-4-3, then XI based on Will score (players priced less than 30K only
if positive score)]

2024-11-10 13:20:50 UTC
Post by milivella
Post by milivella
1. John's choice is now one of your votes, randomly picked (i.e., it is
no more the option that receives more vote). Why: to incentivate people
to vote even if a consensus has formed.
Can you explain this? Say that two neurons pick Dan, and one picks Pat,
how does John randomize?
Post by milivella
Not good that Dan is so dazzled by our midfielders that he chooses to
play 3-5-2. We will need to address this in the market.
Post by milivella
10 Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
09 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
08 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
10 Adlane A 180K 13 FHP ALG 23 3 +07 +0.30
09 Tauriainen A 250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
08 Piirainen A A 300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
Why the difference between these two 3-4-3 formations in the order of
the forwards? In any case, I choose the one with Da Bull playing CF
2024-11-11 02:51:14 UTC
Post by Futbolmetrix
Post by milivella
1. John's choice is now one of your votes, randomly picked (i.e., it is
no more the option that receives more vote). Why: to incentivate people
to vote even if a consensus has formed.
Can you explain this? Say that two neurons pick Dan, and one picks Pat,
how does John randomize?
The non-evil way: :)

Say that the votes were, in order of posting:
1. Dan
2. Pat
3. Dan

John asks random.org for a number between 1 and 3 inclusive. If the
number is 1 or 3, John agrees with Dan; if it's 2, he agrees with Pat.
Post by Futbolmetrix
10 Adlane      A       180K 13         FHP ALG 23  3 +07 +0.30
09 Piirainen   A  A    300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
08 Tauriainen  A       250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
10 Adlane      A       180K 13         FHP ALG 23  3 +07 +0.30
09 Tauriainen  A       250K 15 0241215 FHV FIN 46 69 +33 +0.72
08 Piirainen   A  A    300K 17 2232224 FHS FIN 31 12 +12 +0.39
Why the difference between these two 3-4-3 formations in the order of
the forwards?
To be honest, just because for Aggie (= Will) I copied last match's XI,
while for Pat I kept the alphabetical order.

However, I would have put Da Bull in Da Hole anyway. Consider it for the
next votes... but I'll try to be more careful when preparing the XIs!
2024-11-11 10:45:03 UTC
Post by milivella
Post by Futbolmetrix
Can you explain this? Say that two neurons pick Dan, and one picks Pat,
how does John randomize?
The non-evil way: :)
You're getting old.
Post by milivella
Post by Futbolmetrix
Why the difference between these two 3-4-3 formations in the order of
the forwards?
To be honest, just because for Aggie (= Will) I copied last match's XI,
while for Pat I kept the alphabetical order.
However, I would have put Da Bull in Da Hole anyway. Consider it for the
next votes... but I'll try to be more careful when preparing the XIs!
Sorry for the mistake.
Halonen has a slightly better plus/minus than Yeremenko and he's been
with us since the very beginning.

Aggie for me.
Jesus Petry
2024-11-11 13:00:35 UTC
Post by milivella
Who do you agree with?
Will (and Aggie).

Jesus Petry
